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Latest crash on accident blackspot Forfar street claims FOUR cars

Residents fear it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured, or worse, on Dundee Road.

The Dundee Road crash shunted Mr Matheson's vehicles into each other. Image: Supplied
The Dundee Road crash shunted Mr Matheson's vehicles into each other. Image: Supplied

Another crash on a busy Forfar street has heightened residents’ fears tragedy may be just around the corner.

The latest incident saw three parked cars damaged after they were struck by a vehicle driving down Dundee Road.

Two of the vehicles belonged to a couple who care for their disabled 21-year-old grandson.

They say they dread to think what might have happened if they were loading his wheelchair into the car.

Dundee Road safety fears recently highlighted

The weekend crash comes weeks after another resident suffered his third write off in two years after a van struck his parked car.

And the incident was at the spot where a lollipop man had raised concerns over the “terrifying” speed of some motorists.

Less than two weeks ago Dean Robertson said some of the driving on the road was “terrifying” to witness.

Fortunately, no-one was hurt in the Saturday morning crash involving an Audi SUV.

Damage to Audi after crash on Dundee Road in Forfar.
The Audi SUV suffered nearside front damage. Image: Supplied

It led to damage to three parked cars, including two owned by 82-year-old Dave Matheson and his wife, Catherine.

“I was watching telly and Catherine heard the bang and looked out the bedroom window,” said Dave.

The couple’s Dacia was shunted into their other – wheelchair-accessible – vehicle.

Damaged car on Dundee Road in Forfar.
Damage to the rear of Mr Matheson’s car. Image: Supplied

Both had been parked in the disabled bay outside their home.

Dave said: “I’ve no idea whether my Dacia will be written off.

“It’s just a year old next week.

“If my grandson had been getting into the car I dread to think what might have happened.

Four-vehicle crash on Dundee Road in Forfar.
Another vehicle was pushed onto the pavement on Dundee Road. Image: Supplied

“We’ve been on Dundee Road for 26 years and it’s just got worse.

“Something should be done, they come flying down there like bats out of hell.”

Police Scotland attended the incident but have not confirmed if anyone was charged.

No plans for extra safety measures

Long-time campaigner Graeme Laird said: “We’ve continually been told there’s no problem on this road.

“But here we are, not long after two other cars were written off, and just days after the crossing patroller spoke out.

Forfar school crossing patroller Dean Robertson.
School crossing patroller Dean Robertson recently added his voice to concerns over speeding on Dundee Road. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson

“This is right at the spot where he helps children across the road.

“If this had been a weekday it could have been a completely different scenario.

“I don’t know what we have to do to get the council to listen to us, but we won’t be giving up.”

Locals have suggested speed cameras, warning signs or traffic calming as possible measures to improve safety.

Angus Council says surveys conducted over several years found no significant speeding problem on Dundee Road.

It has no plans to reduce the 30mph limit on the road.
