A temporary Co-op will be built in Bridge of Allan, ahead of the current store’s demolition, if proposed plans are approved.
Consent to flatten the town’s existing Fountain Road supermarket and erect a new two-storey shop was granted in 2021.
Now, plans are moving forward and planning permission is being sought to erect a temporary Co-op branch.
Made from joined portacabins, the makeshift shop would be located in the current store’s car park.
The installation of the temporary structure is expected to cost around £250,000.
If approved by Stirling Council, it will serve shoppers for up to 40 weeks.
Demolition and rebuilding on the cards
The planned work for the Co-op site includes both the demolition of the existing store and construction of a new building.
According to the planning application, this is expected to take place within a 30 to 39-week timeframe.
While the shop can currently be accessed from both Fountain Road and Keir Street, the temporary store will only have an entry point from Keir Street during construction.
The plan must still be approved by Stirling Council planning chiefs before work can commence.
What will the new Co-op be like?
Plans to demolish the current Co-op building on Fountain Road were approved in 2021.
The new building will be two storeys, with the shop on the ground floor and both storage space and offices above.
Parking will remain in the same place, though there will be a total of 75 spaces, up from 69.
A total of 30 parking spots will be specifically for Co-op customers only, while the rest are part of the car park operated by Stirling Council.
Ten cycle parking units and EV points will also be provided.
The Co-op rebuild plans gained support from Bridge of Allan Community Council when they were proposed, though objections were received over how the work would affect neighbours.
Elsewhere in Bridge of Allan, approval was recently granted for a derelict Victorian house on the town’s main street to be demolished, making way for 14 new apartments.
- Planning reference: 24/00786/FUL
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