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XL Bully charity to claim ‘unfair hearing’ in court appeal against Angus sanctuary refusal

Forfar Sheriff Court is to hear a challenge over Angus Council’s decision to block a licence for kennels where more than 20 bulldog-breed dogs are being housed.

Angus-based campaigner Kerryanne Shaw beside a large dog
Angus-based campaigner Kerryanne Shaw leads All Bullie Charity Rescue. Image: Supplied

A charity’s fight to set up Scotland’s first XL Bully sanctuary in Angus is to go to court within weeks.

All Bullie Charity Rescue will argue a council decision to reject its animal welfare licence application for kennels near Forfar was unlawful.

The charity says it was given an “unfair hearing” by Angus civic licensing committee councillors.

In February, they unanimously refused the Happas Canine Centre bid.

Committee chairman Councillor George Meechan voiced “grave concerns” over the plan.

Happas Canine Centre south of Forfar.
Happas Canine Centre is south of Forfar near the A90 dual carriageway. Image: Graham Brown/DC Thomson

The body unanimously backed two inspection reports suggesting the charity could not meet standard conditions for such a facility.

More than 20 dogs – including several XL Bullies – are already at the centre under the sole care of charity figurehead Kerryanne Shaw.

The charity also has around a dozen animals in foster homes.

Forfar hearing for XL Bully hub appeal

Solicitor Jacob Cohen confirmed an appeal against the council decision was lodged within the 28-day timeframe.

The case is scheduled to call at Forfar Sheriff Court in mid-April.

Mr Cohen said: “The grounds of appeal advance arguments in respect of errors in law, reliance upon incorrect material facts, and an unfair hearing, contrary to natural justice.”

He also confirmed he is not more widely involved with the charity in a legal capacity.

“I am only acting pro bono for purposes of the licensing application, and the subsequent appeal process,” Mr Cohen added.

Ms Shaw moved to Angus last year to set up the XL Bully hub. The charity raised more than £20,000 to develop the sanctuary.

It came as Scotland prepared to introduce new controls on the controversial breed.

Happas Canine Centre south of Forfar is earmarked to be Scotland's first XL Bully sanctuary.
The Happas kennels and exercise area. Image: Graham Brown/DC Thomson

XL Bully owners now require an exemption certificate to keep their dog.

It is also illegal to have an XL Bully in public without a muzzle or lead.

The most recent Happas inspection said there had been a lack of progress in tackling issues raised in a report 70 days earlier.

Ms Shaw argued she should be given disability adjustment under the Equalities Act after revealing she suffers from severe ADHD.

The kennels, close to the A90 Dundee to Aberdeen dual carriageway, remain unlicensed after a boarding permit also lapsed at the end of 2024.
