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Dundee United fan knocked out of The Chase

Campbell Finlayson took on Shaun 'The Dark Destroyer' Wallace on the hit ITV quiz show.

Campbell Finlayson on Thursday night's episode.
Campbell Finlayson on Thursday night's episode. Image: STV

A Dundee United fan was knocked out of ITV quiz show The Chase on Thursday night.

Campbell Finlayson, who is the match announcer at Arbroath FC, took on Shaun ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Wallace.

He told host Bradley Walsh that his affection for the Tangerines comes from his Dad, who is from Dundee.

Dundee Unite Fan Campbell's final question in the head-to-head. Image: STV
Campbell’s final question in the head-to-head. Image: STV

He revealed he travelled to watch the side’s infamous 7-0 defeat to AZ Alkmaar in the Netherlands – which garnered a chuckle from the studio audience.

Campbell said he had hoped to use any money won to travel across the east coast of Australia.

The 25-year-old earned a modest £5,000 in the cash builder round and took the middle offer, dismissing the higher offer of £35,000 and lower offer of just £100.

Campbell, who is originally from Glasgow, was first to face the chaser and was one question from safety with Wallace right on his tail.

Arbroath FC announcer appears on The Chase

Host Bradley Walsh asked: “Which of these Davids become a Member of Parliament first? David Lammy, David Cameron or David Blunkett?”.

The Tesco Express worker incorrectly answered David Cameron while the chaser correctly answered David Blunkett – sending him home empty-handed.

Only one of his teammates – Rosie, from Lancaster – made it to the final chase and had a chance at walking away with £100,000.

She scored 11 on her own but was unfortunately caught by the chaser.

Chaser Shaun Wallace caught Campbell.
Chaser Shaun Wallace caught Campbell. Image: STV

Thursday night’s episode is available to watch on the STV Player.

His appearance on the chase comes after Angus man David Kirby missed out on £4,000 after being made to face the Chaser alone.

The Courier previously looked at the most memorable reality TV show moments featuring Tayside and Fife contestants.
