A care worker was cleared of contributing to a man’s death at a Kinross-shire care home while upgrades to an Angus facility have been delayed.
The Courier has taken a closer look at the most recent Care Inspectorate reports and stories for Tayside, Fife and Stirling.
The organisation is the watchdog for the care industry and inspects providers such as care homes and childcare services to ensure they meet required standards.
The watchdog grades services on key areas including wellbeing, leadership and staffing on a six-point scale where one is unsatisfactory and six is excellent.
Some reports were only published weeks after the inspections took place.
Kinross-shire care worker cleared of contributing to man’s death
A Kinross-shire care worker has been cleared of contributing to a man’s death following an investigation by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).
The man died while eating a piece of toast unsupervised at the Hillcrest Futures-operated An Cala service in Kinnesswood in October 2022.
The watchdog for registered care workers had launched an investigation into the actions of Angel Papierowska.
Ms Papierowska, 24, was one of two care workers who was on duty when the man died.
A hearing found that the allegations she had failed to supervise the man while he ate – contrary to his care plan – was proved.
However, the allegation that this had resulted in her contributing to the man choking on his food and his consequent death was not.
St Davids Care Home, Forfar
Previous ratings
- Wellbeing – 5
- Leadership – 3
- Staff – 5
- Setting – 3
- Care and support – 5
Inspection date
- January 28-29
Inspectors visited St Davids Care Home for a follow-up inspection after several recommendations were made during their last visit.
Despite some improvements, inspectors found that “further work” was required to ensure the service offered at the home was “maintained to a good standard”.
They put this down to delays caused by “contractual difficulties”, which meant increasing the space in the lounge area for residents and some of the redecoration that had been planned was yet to happen.
However, inspectors noted work on this was due to start “imminently” when they visited.
They also found that the roles were clearer in the management team at St Davids and that good relationships with “external professionals” had been beneficial.
Real Life Options Lilywynd, Forfar
Previous ratings
- Wellbeing – 5
- Leadership – 5
New ratings
- Wellbeing – 3
- Staff – 5
Inspection date
- February 20, 21 and 23.
Inspectors highlighted Real Life Options Lilywynd should improve how it manages people’s medication.
However, their report also praised the care home for the positive relationships between members of staff and the people they support.
It also found there were “good” relationships between staff members and that Lilywynd’s leaders were “proactive” in making improvements.
Arnhall Nursery, Dunblane
Previous ratings
- Care, play and learning – 4
- Setting – 4
- Leadership – 4
- Staff – 4
New ratings
- Care, play and learning – 5
- Setting – 5
- Leadership – 4
- Staff – 5
Inspection date
- February 19-20
Inspectors were impressed by Arnhall Nursery near Dunblane, highlighting the positive experience of children who attend.
They said children’s learning and play experiences had been strengthened by a varying play spaces and resources.
The report also found that children received “very warm, caring and nurturing support” from staff, who also ensured they were safe.
It also praised staff cohesion and opportunities to play outdoors and access “fresh air”.
Abbeyfield House Care Home, Kirkcaldy
Previous ratings
- People’s wellbeing – 5
- Leadership – 5
New ratings
- People’s wellbeing – 4
- Staff – 5
Inspection date
- March 4-5
An inspection at the Abbeyfield House Care Home raised concerns about medication and personal plans for residents.
It said the medication records of residents at the home should be improved and personal plans didn’t always reflect residents’ support needs.
It was also found that residents did experience “meaningful days” and “good quality meals”.
Staff members were also said to respond “promptly to people’s needs”.
Other reports published by the Care Inspectorate are listed below (clicking will download a PDF):
- Twinkling Stars Child Care, Milnarthort
- Pitlair House Nursing Home, Cupar
- Rigifa Home Care Service, Perth
- Kippen Care Services, Perth
You can find the full inspection reports on the Care Inspectorate website.
You can compare and monitor care home performance using The Courier’s care home tracker.