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8 crews called to cottages on fire in Highland Perthshire village

The Courier is at the scene as residents report seeing "a lot of smoke and flames".

The major fire in one of several cottages in Fortingall. Image: Marieke McBean
The major fire in one of several cottages in Fortingall. Image: Marieke McBean

Eight crews have been called to a major fire affecting several cottages in a Highland Perthshire village.

The alarm was raised in Fortingall, near Kenmore, at 10.30am on Friday.

A fire service spokesperson told The Courier the blaze is thought to have started in a shed before spreading to several cottages.

A statement from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “We were alerted at 10.27am on Friday to reports of a dwelling fire on the main road in Fortingall, Perthshire.

At least one of the houses has suffered significant damage. Image: Marieke McBean
Firefighters at the scene. Image: Marieke McBean
Eight fire appliances were called to the blaze. Image: Marieke McBean
Crews lined up along the street. Image: Marieke McBean
A large amount of smoke coming from the fire. Image: Marieke McBean
One of the roads into the village. Image: Marieke McBean

“Operations control mobilised eight fire appliances to the scene where firefighters are working to extinguish the fire affecting multiple properties.

“There are no reports of casualties at this time.

“Crews remain in attendance.”

One man who lives nearby told The Courier: “There are four cottages on fire.

“It seems to have started in the thatched roofs.

The fire can be seen from a distance. Image: Andrew Robson/DC Thomson
Smoke billowing from the cottages. Image: Marieke McBean
Police have closed the road.
Police have closed the road into Fortingall. Image: Marieke McBean
Road closure.
Smoke can be seen from the road. Image: Marieke McBean

“The fire is really ferocious and looks like it’s causing a lot of damage.

“The fire brigade is here just now – I can see at least three engines from where I am.

“There’s a lot of smoke and flames.”

Another resident said: “It looks devastating and our community will be rallying around to support any way that we can.”

From The Courier reporter Andrew Robson at the scene

The Courier reporter Andrew Robson, who is at the scene, said: “Police have blocked off the road into Fortingall, around half a mile east of the village, near Fortinghall School House.

“Smoke is still billowing from the centre of the village.

“From a nearby vantage point, I can see several fire engines and police cars at the scene – it’s clear this is a major blaze.

“Locals who live nearby have told of hearing sirens pass by all day, which they said was unusual given the location.

“It’s a very rural area, with hills on one side and the River Lyon on the other.”

Our reporters are on the scene and working to bring you the latest updates on this developing story.

Please check back later for more and follow The Courier on Facebook and online for breaking news.
