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Stirling Planning Ahead: Changes to Cromlix hotel restaurant extension plans

Sir Andy Murray's luxury hotel Cromlix is back on our Planning Ahead radar.

Ambitious renovation plans have already been approved for Cromlix. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson
Ambitious renovation plans have already been approved for Cromlix. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson

Welcome back to Planning Ahead, The Courier’s regular look at all the Stirling Council planning applications you should know about.

This time, there are new businesses galore vying to open across the city and beyond.

And Sir Andy Murray’s luxury hotel Cromlix is back on our radar, after amendments to already-approved planning permission have been submitted.

But before we give you all the details about that, take a look at what else has been going on in Stirling’s planning world lately.

Hopes for two new restaurants at former church

The church will be converted into a restaurant space if approval is granted. Image: Acuitus

The owners of Hot World Cuisine have bought the former Allan Park South Church on Dumbarton Road in Stirling.

They hope to open a world buffet restaurant inside, along with a Kongz outlet selling smash burgers.

Plans have been submitted to Stirling Council, requesting to convert the church into an eatery, with proposed internal and external alterations.

Speaking exclusively to The Courier, a spokesman for the businesses revealed more about the plans last week.

Planning references: 25/00136/FUL and 25/00137/LBC

Temporary supermarket plan for Bridge of Allan

Consent for a new supermarket was given in 2021. Image: Google Street View

A temporary Co-op will be built in Bridge of Allan, ahead of the current store’s demolition, if proposed plans are approved.

As we reported last week, planning permission is being sought to erect a temporary supermarket to serve the town while a new, already-approved two-storey shop is built.

Made from joined portacabins, the makeshift shop would be located in the current store’s car park.

If approved by Stirling Council, it will serve shoppers for up to 40 weeks.

Planning reference: 24/00786/FUL

Controversial A9 services near Dunblane back on planning table

The Firs of Kinbuck site where the service station would be sited, if approved. Image: Graham and Sibbald

Plans for a previously controversial service station on the A9 northbound between Stirling and Perth have been resubmitted for consideration by Stirling Council.

The new application, submitted by Graham and Sibbald on behalf of GB Grove Ltd, requests permission to build a petrol station and a shop, as well as create parking spaces, a picnic area, and vehicle-washing facilities.

Accessed from the A9 northbound road, the service station would be located around 500 metres south west of Balhaldie Farm, near Kinbuck.

The Courier recently published an explainer with all the details of why the last planning application was unsuccessful, and what is different this time around.

Planning reference: 24/00797/FUL

New city centre bookies to open

Two city centre shops will close under new plans by Ladbrokes. Image: Alex Watson/DC Thomson

Work is underway to open a new Ladbrokes branch in Stirling city centre.

The betting shop chain is planning to move into the former HSBC Bank building on Murray Place.

A £125,000 building warrant to fit out the new premises was approved by Stirling Council on March 4.

The shop is expected to open on April 28.

Planning reference: 24/00273/EBWS

Changes to Cromlix renovation plans

The new Cromlix restaurant space will stretch out across the hotel’s current back lawn

Back in December, we told you all about the okayed plans for a new restaurant space at Sir Andy Murray’s Cromlix hotel, near Dunblane.

Now, amendments to those plans have been submitted for approval.

The new proposal is to remove and realign several internal walls in the hotel’s pantry and back-of-house area in order to open up the hallway and “create a more defined route”.

The application says the design changes will also improve accessibility standards.

There will be room for up to 80 people to dine once the work at Cromlix has been completed.

The hotel’s current dining room, known as The Glasshouse, will stay as it is, to be used for afternoon teas and private events.

Planning reference: 25/00111/LBC

You can see the plans here:

Allan Park South Church restaurants

Bridge of Allan temporary Co-op

A9 service station near Dunblane

New Ladbrokes betting shop under construction

Cromlix renovation amendments

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