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Angry Elmwood students to protest against proposed Cupar college cuts

Elmwood students are calling on the public to join their demonstration this weekend.

Elmwood students protesting outside an SRUC management meeting last week
Elmwood animal care students protest outside a college management meeting in Dumfries last week. Image: Supplied

Elmwood students have organised a protest against the proposed closure of the Cupar-based animal care unit.

And they are calling for as many members of the public as possible to join in.

Armed with placards, banners and balloons, they will gather at the gates of the Carslogie Road building at noon on Saturday.

And they hope a playlist of “relevant” songs will grab the attention of passers-by.

Elmwood animal care students talk to college management at a protest in Dumfries
Elmwood animal care students speak to college managers at a previous protest. Image: Supplied.

The action follows the picketing of a meeting of college bosses at SRUC’s Dumfries campus last week.

Student Ashley Cramb, one of the protest organisers, told The Courier: “We mean business.

“This isn’t just about us though. It’s about showing what Elmwood means to the community.”

The protest comes as an online petition against the potential closure hit almost 2,400 signatures.

Playlist of ‘relevant’ songs to form part of Elmwood protest

Scotland’s rural college provoked outrage last month when they began consulting staff on proposals to shut the Elmwood animal care unit.

It sets students up for careers such as veterinary nurses, dog grooming and zoo work.

College bosses say the Cupar unit is no longer financially sustainable and cuts are needed to ensure Elmwood’s long-term future.

Elmwood animal care student Ashley Cramb
Elmwood animal care student Ashley Cramb is one of the protest organisers. Image: Steve Brown/DC Thomson

However, students are pushing for a change of heart before a final decision is made on April 14.

Ashley said: “We’re aiming to stage a protest that’s bright and colourful.

“We have a playlist of relevant songs.

“Our main protest song is ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ by Twisted Sister.

“And we’ve also got ‘The Show Must Go On’ by Queen and various similar tunes.”

‘Men in big suits with no real idea’

Ashley added: “We’re just everyday people and we all want somewhere to study and progress so we have a future.

“We’ve got these men in big suits that come with no real idea of how their decisions impact people.

“It’s just about money for them and it really upsets me.”

Elmwood students launched a battle plan after last month’s closure proposals were revealed.

However, SRUC says the Cupar campus has been running at a loss.
