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Forfar woman says River City helped her through infertility struggles

Stacy Greig was coming to terms with an endometriosis diagnosis when an episode dealing with the subject aired in early 2022.

Stacy Greig says River City helped her husband, Bryan, to understand her endometriosis diagnosis. Image: Stacy Greig
Stacy Greig says River City helped her husband, Bryan, to understand her endometriosis diagnosis. Image: Stacy Greig

A Forfar woman has told how an episode of River City helped her through her infertility struggles.

Stacy Greig, 38, was coming to terms with an endometriosis diagnosis when an episode of the BBC Scotland soap dealing with the subject aired in early 2022.

The storyline involved River City character Ellie McLean embarking on an IVF journey after a previous miscarriage.

Stacy says the show helped her explain her own struggles to her family.

She says she has been left “gutted” at the news that the show is set to end after 20 years, due to the positive impact it had on her.

Forfar woman says River City ‘said everything I wanted to’ during infertility struggles

She told The Courier: “There was an episode where Ellie was sitting round a table with her sister, mother and (the character) Roisin.

“She was telling them how she felt mentally and emotionally about maybe never being able to have a child – the guilt, shame, disappointment, and feeling broken or a failure.

“I related to this so much as I was trying to get my head around being infertile due to endometriosis.

“The physical aspects of my situation I understood, but no one prepares you for the mental impact.

River City’s Ellie McLean is played by actress Leah MacRae. Image: Alan Peebles/BBC Scotland

“The conversation Ellie had in this episode said everything I wanted to, but I just couldn’t find the words to explain how I truly felt.

“I couldn’t speak without breaking into tears, especially having to watch my family’s faces as I tried to speak.

“Even though you know it’s not your fault and there is nothing you could have done, the guilt is soul-destroying, not so much for it happening to me, but the people around you who you love – my husband and my mother.

“To be able to share this episode of River City with my family and to then say, ‘This is me right now, this is exactly how I feel and why’, was such a relief.

“Thank you River City for saying what I could not.”

River City helped Forfar woman’s family to understand endometriosis diagnosis

Stacy says the series has also helped her husband, Bryan, to understand her condition more.

Endometriosis causes cells similar to those in the lining of the uterus to grow in other parts of the body, often leading to severe pain and heavy periods.

Women with the condition can also struggle to get pregnant and have low mood or anxiety.

Stacy added: “After my family watched the episode, it has helped us talk more about how we feel.

“Also, it has turned my husband into an endometriosis advocate.

“He never lets anyone say it is just a bad period.

Stacy with husband Bryan. Image: Stacy Greig

“He calls home from work every time he hears endometriosis mentioned on the radio if the information is incorrect or questionable.

“He quizzes every doctor on the subject until he’s satisfied they have sufficient knowledge.

“River City is the one show where I feel like I know everybody as I know people who are like the characters in real life.

“It’s a shame they don’t seem to want to continue. When I first heard of the cancellation I was gutted. ”

The Courier has listed 10 Tayside and Fife actors who have previously starred in River City.
