Onshore works required to connect two major offshore wind farms to the grid has gone out to public consultation in Angus.
The Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo developments will have a combined total of up to 150 turbines and will be installed 27 to 38km east of the Angus coastline.
A proposal of application notice has been submitted to Angus Council for installation of the “electrical transmission infrastructure” between Carnoustie beach and Tealing substation.
The proposed works – which would cut through a huge swathe of South Angus – would comprise 19km of underground cables, a new substation, access and ancillary works.
The permission for the onshore works was approved in principle by Angus Council in November 2013.
An additional permission in principle was granted on February 24 last year for an alternative cable route consisting of a mile spur near Balhungie Farm, Monifieth.
The permission for both routes is due to expire in December.
Residents were invited to view the plans and provide feedback at Carnoustie Leisure Centre on Wednesday and Tealing Hall on Thursday ahead of a planned re-application in June.
A Seagreen spokesperson said: “Key issues for affected landowners and local residents in the vicinity of the cable route, such as drainage, noise, dust and reinstatement of land have been considered in the design process.
“Seagreen will manage these issues using current best practice and industry guidance and through ongoing communication with landowners and communities.
“Where possible the cable route will be positioned a sufficient distance from residential properties to ensure there are no significant impacts resulting from construction noise.
“Appropriate noise mitigation and dust control measures will also be put in place, where necessary, in agreement with Angus Council.
“The increased traffic resulting from construction vehicles will be subject to a traffic management plan, including proposed routes for construction vehicles.”
The onshore export cable will typically be buried in trenches of 1.5m depth.
Additionally, sections of the cable may be placed in ducts or protected using tiles.
The maximum working corridor width for installation of the buried cables will be 30m.
There will be two trenches, each 2.5m wide with a 5m gap between them.
On either side of each trench a 5m wide area will be required for access.
A further 5m on each side of the trenches will be required for lay down of equipment, top soil and spoil from the trenching and for additional storage or working space.