Firefighters spent about 90 minutes tackling a blaze at stables in Kirriemuir on Wednesday.
Residents in the Forfar Road area said heavy smoke was billowing from the nearby Pathhead Equestrian Centre, from around 6.30am.
Locals were told to keep their windows and doors shut while the fire was brought under control.
A woman who lives across from the stable said: “I thought I could smell smoke in the house.
“I didn’t think any more about it.
“A short while later I went outside and was horrified to find my garden full of dense smoke and floating ashes.
“When I went out on to the Forfar Road, it was filled with smoke.
“There were police at the top of the road stopping motorists turning in.”
‘The air was filled with thick smoke’
The resident added: “I think it had just been reported because two fire engines arrived as I watched.
“The air was filled with thick smoke. It was quite choking.
“One of the police officers told me a shed was on fire. He said the horses were OK.
“There are lots of sheds and stables with horses in close together. I really hope the horses and the people who live there are alright.
“It looked bad.”
Stagecoach also diverted the 20 service via South Muir and Glengate due to the blaze.
Due to a fire near the equestrian centre the 20 service diverted and will be diverting via South Muir and Glen gate in both directions and only entering Kirriemuir high street once. Thanks
— Stagecoach East Scotland (@StagecoachEScot) March 30, 2022
A spokesperson for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “We got the call at 6.23am.
“Initially two fire appliances were sent out and then another was sent out.
“An outbuilding was on fire.
“A hose, main jet and a thermal imaging camera were used to put out the fire.
“We received the stop message at 8.04am.”
A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Officers were called to reports of a fire in the Bellies Brae area of Kirriemuir around 6.25am on Wednesday.
“Surrounding roads were closed while the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service extinguished the fire but were reopened around 8am.”