An Angus “school beside the sea” will move closer to the coast as part of an ambitious education project.
Classes at Ladyloan Primary School will look out on the North Sea in 2019, following a 68-week build as part of the Arbroath Schools Project.
Angus Council has applied for full planning permission for the school to move closer to the harbour, from Millgate Loan to its own playing fields overlooking Ladyloan and the town’s western gateway.
Kids will be taught as normal until the current building is finished and then decant sometime in spring.
The old school, which was built in 1974 as a replacement for a Victorian building beside Arbroath Football Club, will then be demolished for a playground, sports pitch and parking.
Ryan Holmes for Holmes Miller Architects stated: “On the upper floor of the teaching block the classrooms are stacked, all enjoying panoramic views to the sea and harbour…
“A number of consultations have been held within Angus Council as well as staff of the existing school facility.
“Feedback and discussions into lessons learned … have been taken into account and has influenced the design at Ladyloan Primary School.”
The planned school capacity will be 335 primary-aged pupils, 72 pre-school children, and 35 staff members.
The school’s current pupil roll is 309 and is projected to drop to 243 this year, while the current building has a capacity of 434.
The plans are part of the second phase of the Arbroath Schools Project, following the replacement Timmergreens and Warddykes schools which opened in August 2016.
The local authority also plans to replace Muirfield and Hayshead, with a consultation on the latter sharing a campus with St Thomas due to start next week.
Permission has been sought for the school comprised of 11 classrooms, nursery and associated sports pitch, landscaping, parking and drop-off.
Plans have taken into account the proximity to the busy Ladyloan, setting the entrance as far back as possible.
Pupils will still have pedestrian access from Millgate Loan, while 53 car parking spaces would be provided.
Hub East Scotland anticipates Robertson Construction will begin on site around December 17.