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Drink-driver crashed car on way back to Angus lodge

Forfar Sheriff Court
Smith appeared again at Forfar Sheriff Court.

A Dundee drink driver ran out of luck as well as cigarettes when he crashed his car on the way back to an Angus lodge.

Luke McRae crashed his motor on the Drumsturdy Road after picking up a KFC and cigarettes at the nearby Sainsburys on July 1.

The 18-year-old appeared at Forfar Sheriff Court, which heard he had been drinking with his friends at a lodge in the luxury Forbes of Kingennie resort when he was picked to drive his friend’s car.

McRae suffered a “low-speed” collision and hitched a ride back to Kingennie Village hall, where the driver witness detected a “strong smell of alcohol” on his breath.

A breath test three hours after the crash showed him as being almost four times the legal alcohol limit.

Depute fiscal Bill Kermode said: “At 11am the accused had been to Dundee to pick up some KFC and was standing next to the road by the car, which had crashed.

“He said he’d been driving too fast and had crashed his car. The witness gave him a lift back to Kingennie Village Hall.

“Police officers found the car and the engine was still warm. The crash had happened at low speed.

“At 1pm police traced the accused at the Forbes of Kingennie lodges and a roadside breath test was positive. At 2.18pm a formal procedure was undertaken in Dundee and he was cautioned and charged.”

Defence agent Grant Bruce said: “Mr McRae has no previous convictions and is upset and disappointed by his actions on the day.

“He was with friends at Kingennie and someone suggested going out for cigarettes and it was him. He deeply regrets his actions now. It was an act of stupidity.”

McRae, of Lawrence Street, admitted giving a breath test measuring 82 microgrammes in 100 millilitres of breath, where the legal limit is 22 mics, and of using a car without insurance.

Sheriff Jillian Martin-Brown deferred sentence on him to August 24 for the preparation of a criminal justice social work report, and disqualified him from driving meantime.