An Angus couple are mounting a fight against a council enforcement order over a garden house stove.
And they will take their case to councillors on Thursday to try and reach a compromise with Carnoustie neighbours.
The Tayside Street couple, Mr and Mrs Roach, were told in December 2022 their retrospective application for a garden room was acceptable to Angus planners.
But the approval was conditional on the removal of a woodburning stove and flue within three months.
The woodburner has remained and next door neighbours objected because of smoke blowing into their garden.
But the applicants say they would be happy to move the flue.
It would take the chimney more than five metres from their neighbour’s garden.
And other folk living locally have rallied in support by saying they have no issue with the level of smoke.
Review committee consideration
The appeal will be considered by Angus development management review committee.
The applicant’s agent says the stove was installed by fully certified fitters and is similar to others in the area.
And they suggest any inconvenience from the flue would be minimal since it is not used daily, and not at all during the summer months.
But planners remain of the view the flue breaches council policy.
“Whilst is it acknowledged the flue will not be in continuous use and the smoke may not always blow in the direction of neighbouring land, the flue has the potential to create disamenity to the neighbour,” they state.
And the authority’s environmental health department maintain their objection because of the proximity of the flue to the neighbouring garden.