Angus residents are being asked to weigh up the tough decisions needed to plug a £9.5 million budget black hole.
The authority is weeks away from setting its budget for 2025/26.
And in the second phase of a public consultation it has put a calculator in the hands of locals.
An online slider tool has been developed for residents to offer their views on how to balance the books.
It focuses on the key areas of:
- Service cuts
- Increasing council tax
- Increasing fees and charges
- Using council reserves
The calculator is available at
The council said: “None of these are easy decisions and so we are asking for you views on how best to find the £9.5 million we need.
“Responses will be used to inform final decisions on the council’s 2025/26 budget, which will be set at the end of February.”
The calculator offers folk the option of making changes from 1% to 15% across the four main areas.
Calculator explains impact of rises in key areas
It calculates the overall impact on the £350m budget.
And it warns whether the planned cuts or increases would make an impact on the savings needed.
However, in areas such as spending cuts, even a 6% rise brings the warning of a “significant” impact on council services.
A similar increase in council tax would have “a small positive impact” on income.
Four per cent across the board would fail to hit the target by almost £1m.
Finance director Ian Lorimer said a 15% council tax hike would be required if that was the only method used to close the budget gap.
The calculator warns an increase of that size might leave many more people struggling to pay – and the council able to collect less.
It comes as freedom of information data revealed the extent of council tax debt across Angus.
One Arbroath property alone has a debt of more than £35,000.
Mr Lorimer also previously said it was crucial the council delivered a ‘you said, we did’ budget for 2025/26.
The budget calculator is available until February 6.