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VIDEO: Angus villagers walking road safety tightrope during £3m Network Rail bridge project

A replacement bridge at Craigo is too tight for the local bus service to negotiate and villagers say they are caught in the middle of a Network Rail and Angus Council blame game.

Villagers in the Angus village of Craigo say a £3 million rail bridge replacement has turned into a road safety “shambles”.

Last September, Network Rail started work on the project on the east coast line north of Montrose.

The first stage was to put in a replacement bridge to maintain access to the village.

But the new set-up is too narrow for buses to get in and out of Craigo.

Craigo rail bridge replacement safety fears
The temporary bridge has been put in place over the East Coast main line. Image: James Chaffe

Locals now have to walk across the temporary bridge, which Craigo Community Association claims is a risk for children and the elderly in particular.

The village feels caught in the middle of a blame game between Angus Council and Network Rail.

The group has now involved the Health and Safety Executive in the issue.

Association secretary Daniel Clarke said: “We were told it would be a like-for-like replacement and full access would be maintained.

“The temporary bridge was erected but because of the tail swing, a big bus couldn’t make the tight angle.

Craigo rail bridge safety fears
Children have to walk across the narrow bridge to get the school bus. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson

“A small shuttle bus was put on to ferry children and others to the bus on the other side.”

However, it has now been stopped, leaving people to walk across the temporary bridge.

“It’s not a huge distance, but the bridge is narrow and unsighted.

“We’re still in the dark winter months and are concerned about the elderly and primary school children crossing it.

“The first day back to school was chaos because it was bin day as well,” he added.

“There is actually a walkway beside the temporary bridge, but for some reason it hasn’t been linked up.

Craigo residents road safety fears during rail bridge project.
Craigo Community Association secretary Daniel Clarke at the bridge site. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson

“We’re being asked to walk through a construction site with plant moving across the bridge and where the kids have to wait for the bus.

“That’s why we are now in touch with HSE.

“It’s short-term disruption, but has all turned into a bit of a shambles,” Mr Clarke said.

Temporary Craigo shuttle bus ‘expensive’

Angus Council leader Bill Duff met the group. But he told them the minibus service was “very expensive and unbudgeted”.

“Our view is that this is a problem of Network Rail’s making,” said Montrose councillor Mr Duff.

“They did not need planning permission for the work and the council had no sight of their plans.”

Network Rail Craigo replacement bridge project.
A walkway joined to the temporary bridge has not been opened up for villagers. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson

The council said its public transport web pages provide updated information on the arrangements.

“Passengers wishing to board the S9, S40 and S47A should proceed to the area of hard standing provided to meet all the usual services at their normal times for Craigo,” it states.

Network Rail is yet to respond to a request for comment.
