The UK’s largest woodland conservation charity is fighting plans for a glamping site in Angus.
Woodland Trust Scotland slammed the proposal for 20 wigwam cabins within an area of Monikie as “completely inappropriate”.
Trust spokesman George Anderson said the 20-unit facility at Defind Plantation would result in direct loss of ancient woodland and was “entirely unacceptable”.
The 20 tents would be official Wigwam-branded units placed at the south of the village, next to the country park, which receives more than 150,000 visitors each year.
The idea of a Wigwam development has been under consideration at the 38-acre site for the past three years and would sit within existing spruce woodland, with maintenance or felling planned for six beech and sycamore trees at the entrance on to Panmure Road.
Mr Anderson said: “Ancient woodland is the result of centuries of continuous tree cover and undisturbed soils.
“Once it is lost it is lost for good. You can’t simply plant more trees somewhere else to make up for it.
“Woodland Trust Scotland believes it is entirely unacceptable to erect 20 wigwam cabins, and other associated facilities within an area of designated ancient woodland.
“This application contravenes both local development plan policy and national policy.”
The Trust said erecting wigwams on the site along with associated vehicular access, areas of hard standing and soakaways, will all result in direct loss of ancient woodland.
It also raised issues concerning additional indirect impacts, such as noise and light, and the “intensification of human activity”.
The Woodland Trust own 80 sites throughout Scotland totalling 8,500 hectares.
A spokesman for applicant Graham Carter said: “In discussion with the owners of the Wigwam brand it became clear that while there is good coverage of Wigwam sites throughout the UK, there are very few in the east and north-east of Scotland.
“The proposal is to build a 20-unit facility with a modest reception building.
“The Wigwams will be ensuite to avoid the need for a separate toilet block.
“Each Wigwam unit can accommodate at least four people so the site would be able to accommodate a large party of, for example, school children, scouts, guides or trainee solders from Barry Buddon all of whom currently visit Monikie Country Park.
“It is expected that the time spent in the park and local area by these groups and individuals, would be extended by providing inexpensive, and appropriate local accommodation.”