An application to site a burger van opposite an Angus beauty spot has been thrown out by councillors.
Dimitar Iliev Marinov’s application for a fixed pitch site within a lay-by on Keptie Road opposite Keptie Pond fell foul of a fast-food ‘exclusion zone’.
Mr Marinov said he wanted to offer people “something new and something different” and described his target market as being “anyone who is hungry”.
Takeaways are barred from opening within 500m of primary and secondary schools in Angus and Arbroath West and Letham SNP councillor Alex King said it was an “ill-thought out application”.
The civic licensing committee refused the Monday to Sunday 8am to 4pm application which prompted nine letters of objection regarding noise, smell, litter and parking.
Angus Council’s roads department also objected and said the siting of the burger van in the lay-by “could lead to access issues for service and emergency vehicles”.
“I believe his target clientele are the pupils of Arbroath High School,” said Mr King.
“This van is going to be situated within the 500m exclusion zone which was introduced by this council to prevent burger vans parking up alongside schools and selling unhealthy food.
“On two counts this application fails – it fails because the roads department objects to the siting of this van in the location selected and it fails on the basis that it is within the 500m exclusion zone from an educational establishment.
“I think this is an ill-thought out application. I have no objection to Mr Marinov looking for somewhere on an industrial estate but I do know most of these locations have been taken up and there is a limit on how many burger vans we will allow.”
Arbroath West and Letham Independent councillor David Fairweather said it was a “totally inappropriate area” for a burger van to operate.
He said: “Residents in the area are all against it.
“I am not trying to stop Mr Marinov opening a business but I would suggest he choose somewhere else.”
Civic licensing convenor Craig Fotheringham said: “This is quite clearly in the wrong area and certainly goes against our policy.”
Objection letters received from local residents said the burger van would “exacerbate both the parking and traffic problems already in existence”.
Others said their hedges and gardens were already being used as a litter bin by children at lunchtime and a burger van would only make things worse.
One couple highlighted the “disgusting” mess and said the littering “leads to seagull attacks, foxes and mice in our garden and around our home”.