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Brechiners taking Maggie’s penguins to their hearts and minds

The Brechin Community Penguins crowdfunding group l to r - Jill Boni, Sarah Scorgie, Graeme Hodge, Rebecca Stott (Maggie's Dundee), Lynsey Gilbert, John Forster and Millie Burgin,
The Brechin Community Penguins crowdfunding group l to r - Jill Boni, Sarah Scorgie, Graeme Hodge, Rebecca Stott (Maggie's Dundee), Lynsey Gilbert, John Forster and Millie Burgin,

The Brechin community is rallying round a major fund-raiser for the Maggie’s Centre in Dundee which will have visitors flocking to the Angus town in the summer.

They have given their backing to a campaign to purchase a community penguin which will form part of the Maggie’s Dundee penguin parade.

Two penguins have already been sponsored by Mackie Motors and the Forster Group and a fundraising committee has set up a Just Giving page to raise ÂŁ4,000.

The committee is made up of Brechin High School pupils and local business people, including John Forster, who has been overwhelmed by the support from individuals, businesses and organisations.

He said: “We have had a wonderful support from the community.

“We have spoken to a number of community organisations and met with members of the community who have expressed a personal desire to support the appeal. Everyone is talking about penguins.

“We are confident we are going to be able to raise the funds and that the community of Brechin will come together to make this happen.”

Mr Forster envisaged a Brechin penguin parade as part of the Maggie’s penguin trail.

He continued: “This is hugely exciting. Pupils at Brechin High School, businesses, primary schools in the Brechin area and Angus Council have come on board.

“There is an extraordinary sense of momentum. If we can bring a third penguin to Brechin we can have our own penguin parade. Brechin will be buzzing with lots of visitors who will follow the trail .”

Maggie’s Penguin Parade is a public art event which will take place in Tayside during the summer.

Eighty individually designed, giant penguins will take to the streets on June 29 on a unique 10-week penguin trail.

They will then be sold at auction to raise money for Maggie’s, the charity which provides free practical, social and emotional support for people living with cancer.

Rebecca Stott of Maggie’s Dundee said: “I’d like to say a huge thank you to John Forster, Lynsey Gilbert and the rest of the committee for fundraising to sponsor a Maggie’s penguin.

“Our aim for the project is to raise enough money to run the centre for a year which is £540,000.”

You can donate to the Brechin Community Penguin by visiting the Just Giving page at: by the end of April.