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Soldier son inspires Angus care home family to join Sleep in the Park

Social Bite co-founder Josh Littlejohn in Dundee.
Social Bite co-founder Josh Littlejohn in Dundee.

A family of Angus care home workers is preparing to brave freezing temperatures to participate in this year’s Dundee Sleep in the Park at Slessor Gardens.

Steven and Michelle Moody from Arbroath will be joined by their 16-year-old daughter, Billie in the Saturday December 8 sleep out – inspired by the couple’s soldier son Jordan.

The Moody family will be taking part n the Slessor Gardens sleep out

The family all work at Monkbarns care home in Arbroath and will be among 200 participants from Balhousie Care Group who are involved in sponsoring Sleep in the Park in aid of the charity Social Bite.

Jordan, 20, is currently serving in Dubai with the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and the plight of many ex-service personnel who find themselves homeless was the reason behind the family’s involvement.

Michelle said: “Many former military people end up on the streets and without the correct support.

“Those serving our country should be entitled to a home and looked after once they’ve left the armed forces. This is why we have chosen to take part.”

Sleep in the Park is taking place across four cities – Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee – with an estimated 12,000 people involved.

Social Bite, which addresses homelessness through its cafes, restaurants and free food distribution in Scotland, is aiming to build on last year’s fundraising total of ÂŁ4 million.

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