Plans for 22 homes in Newtyle have been approved despite councillors being told they look “bog standard” and will be “depressing for occupants”.
Angus Council’s development standards committee was told the mix of detached and semi-detached, single and two storey properties were out of keeping with the character of the village.
Olaf Hindmarsh said the design of the units did not reflect the immediate local environment for the relevant part of the village.
“Bog standard properties isn’t the way forward – that’s not in keeping with this estate,” he said.
“There will be significant areas of shadow affecting properties adjacent to the tree-lined disused railway embankment which will likely make these properties cold, damp and depressing for occupants.”
Impacts on infrastructure were also raised by third parties including concerns about the effect on broadband speeds.
Concern relating to impact on wildlife was also raised in the representations.
Amended plans were submitted to remove additional openings which were proposed in the mature hedge along the southern site boundary.
The application by Ogilvie Homes for land adjacent to Mundamalla, Coupar Angus Road, Newtyle, which is bound to the north by a disused railway embankment.
The southern edge of the site is defined by mature trees and hedging. Five of the 22 dwellings would be affordable.
An amenity open space would be provided between the housing and trees to the south and a play area would be incorporated within the open space.
Vehicular access would be taken from Coupar Angus Road to the south east of the site, adjacent to the substation.
The majority of the trees along the southern boundary would be retained with the exception of a single lime tree which requires removal for site access and sightlines.
Planning chief Kate Cowey said: “The proposal would facilitate the delivery of housing on a site allocated for that purpose.
“The site is safeguarded for around 20 units and the layout and design of the proposed development responds to the constraints of the site and provides a reasonable level of amenity for the new residents without unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupants of existing residential property.
“The proposal would increase the number of vehicles on local roads but the roads service is satisfied that the levels indicated can be safely accommodated within that network.
“Education impacts and other impacts on infrastructure associated with the proposal can be mitigated and no objections have been received from consultees.
“The proposal is considered to comply with the relevant policies of the development plan subject to proposed conditions and there are no material considerations that justify refusal of planning permission.”