Sex offender groped woman at Cowdenbeath branch of Morrison’s
ByGary Fitzpatrick
The assault happened in the Cowdenbeath Morrisons
A shocked woman was twice groped in a Cowdenbeath supermarket.
Sex offender Alan Smith later told police he was “having a laugh” and the young woman must have been “in a bad mood not to have seen the funny side”.
Smith, 64, of Maxwell Crescent, Cowdenbeath, appeared in the dock at Dunfermline Sheriff Court on Monday.
He admitted that on January 27, last year at Morrisons supermarket, Raith Centre, Cowdenbeath, he sexually assaulted a woman by repeatedly touching her on the inner thigh.
The court was shown CCTV of the incident, with Smith approaching the woman from behind and touching the inside of her leg.
He then moved back before returning to do the same thing again.
Depute fiscal Azrah Yousaf told the court Smith later said to police: “He was having a laugh and she must have been in a bad mood not to have seen the funny side.”