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‘I thought I was getting the jail’: Laughing Dundee dealer placed on curfew

McDonald told friends he thought he would be jailed.
McDonald told friends he thought he would be jailed.

A drug dealer caught with nearly £25,000 worth of cannabis laughed and said “I thought I was getting the jail” as he walked from court.

Scot McDonald was found with more than a kilo of the drug when police officers carried out a raid on his home in Kilwinning Row, Dundee.

Thousands of pounds in cash was also recovered during the raid.

McDonald claimed it was money his mother had made by selling puppies.

The 28-year-old admitted being concerned in the supply of cannabis from his home on July 6 2020.

McDonald leaves Dundee Sheriff Court.
McDonald leaves Dundee Sheriff Court.

Dundee Sheriff Court was told McDonald had come under suspicion for producing the drug and intelligence led to the raid on his home.

A large bag of herbal matter was found under the kitchen table and more than two dozen individually wrapped bags of the drug were recovered.

The court was told the total weight of the drug was over one kilo and it had a potential street value of £23,940.

Despite having 20 previous convictions for offences including bail breaches, racism, motoring crimes, and threatening behaviour, he evaded a jail sentence.

Dundee Sheriff Court.

Sheriff Paul Brown said: “This is a serious offence and crosses the custodial threshold.

“The value here means I have to apply the statutory presumption against short-term sentences.

“I have to consider whether there is any alternative.

“Given that you have employment and responsibilities at home, I am persuaded there is an alternative.

“I have taken into account your age and background and the fact you now seem to be addressing your issues.”

McDonald was placed on a curfew for eight months and under social work supervision for two years.

As he left court, laughing McDonald said: “I thought I was getting the jail.”