A tattoo artist posted a revenge porn photo of a model so every one of his phone contacts could see it after she ended their brief relationship.
Alex Evans has been remanded in custody after he admitted uploading the woman’s naked image as his WhatsApp profile picture.
Evans, 29, admitted intentionally causing the woman – who models on the OnlyFans website – alarm or distress by posting revenge porn.
He also posted threatening messages to a friend of his former partner.
Could not accept break-up
Fiscal depute Lora Apostolova told Dundee Sheriff Court: “She had been in a relationship with the accused.
“They initially had a chance meeting and exchanged numbers.
“In October 2020 she ended the relationship.
“She continued to receive text messages from the accused.
“She asked him to stop the messages but he sent more.”
Evans – who has a history of violence and dishonesty – messaged: “You went to town with me.
“You are the lowest of the low.
“I was nothing but good to you.”
He called her “fat” and launched into a tirade of foul-mouthed abuse and repeatedly ignored her pleas to stop having contact with her.
Threatening messages to victim’s friend
Ms Apostolova said: “He thereafter put her naked image as his profile picture on WhatsApp – meaning that all his contacts could see her naked image.
“He then made a threat which she took to mean that he was going to post it on Facebook.
“She deleted her Facebook and believed that if he did it her friends would tell her.
“He then sent a message to her friend on SnapChat which contained her naked image.
“He sent a video to the friend of a black-handled knife taped to a wall and saying ‘be careful who you meet’.”
Mrs Apostolova told the court the Crown accepted there was not a significant sexual element to the offence as it had been motivated instead by revenge.
Solicitor David Patterson, defending, said: “I think he is pretty realistic with regard to the various disposals open to the court.
“I would submit there is no significant sexual element.”
Sentence deferred
Evans, a prisoner at HMP Grampian, admitted sending messages of an offensive nature to the 24-year-old woman in Dundee on 3 November 2020.
He admitted “disclosing a photograph which appeared to show her in an intimate situation” without her consent.
He admitted intending to cause her “fear, alarm or distress.”
Evans also admitted sending messages, videos and voice recordings to a second woman in Dundee which were threatening or abusive in nature.
Sheriff Paul Brown deferred sentence for the preparation of social background and restriction of liberty order reports.