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Dundee restaurant ‘love triangle’ ends in violent threats and court appearance

G Jennings pic......  Bridgeview Station restaurant Mr Elder claimed he had moved into his restaurant during lockdown.
G Jennings pic...... Bridgeview Station restaurant Mr Elder claimed he had moved into his restaurant during lockdown.

A Dundee restaurateur’s wife tracked him down to angrily confront him over his relationship with a staff member.

Melanie Elder, 56, was told her husband Dale was having an affair with staff member from their restaurant, the Bridgeview Station in Dundee.

Mr Elder, 65, had told his wife he was moving into the restaurant, overlooking the Tay, to ensure it was secure while being refurbished during lockdown.

However, she discovered he had been visiting the home of 36-year-old staff member Jenna Burns to “wash his clothes and have meals.”

Elder spotted her supposed love rival with her husband and pursued them in her car to Ms Burns’ home, where she subjected Ms Burns to a death threat.

‘Lived in restaurant’ during lockdown

Fiscal depute Joanne Ritchie told Perth Sheriff Court: “The accused and her husband had been estranged and he had been residing elsewhere for short periods.

“In November 2019 he left the family home.

“Since this time he has moved between family and friends.

“On commencement of the government measures during the Covid-19 pandemic he moved into the Bridgeview Station restaurant.

“He wanted to ensure its safety while being renovated.

“Jenna Burns was aware of his circumstances and invited him to her address to wash his clothes and have meals.

“On 16 April 2020 at 5.30pm the accused’s husband and the complainer were within the kitchen area of her home when they heard the doorbell ringing.

“The complainer made her way to the front and saw the accused, who immediately behaved aggressively.”

Elder shouted: “Go in there and get him. Because I’m f***ing telling you. I’m going to f***ing kill you.”

Assault charge dropped

Miss Ritchie said: “On hearing the commotion, her husband made his way out to try and defuse the situation.

“It became apparent she had followed the pair, under the impression they were having an affair.

“A very short time later the complainer came back out and saw the accused driving away.”

Ms Burns took Mr Elder to the restaurant and police were contacted.

Elder, of Maitland Street, Dundee, admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner in Errol Road, Invergowrie, on 16 April 2020.

She admitted shouting, swearing, acting aggressively and uttering threats of violence.

A second charge, of assaulting and injuring Jenna Burns by shoving her to the ground, grabbing her hair and kicking her on the body was dropped by the Crown.

Affair rumours

Solicitor Kathleen Price, defending, said: “The accused has a slightly different take on things.

“She and her husband were going through some problems.

“The week before this incident they had reconciled and were getting on really well.

“He promised her the earth and said previous behaviours would never happen again.

“The complainer is a lot younger and had only worked a short time at the restaurant.

Perth Sheriff Court.

“The accused had been hearing from other people that her husband was engaged in an affair.

“As she drove past the restaurant she saw her husband getting in the complainer’s car.

“She waited 20 minutes to assess the situation and decide what to do.

“She saw them together, saw them get in the car, and followed them to the house.

“The complainer came out and was immediately aggressive and hostile towards the accused.

Plea for compassion

Ms Price continued: “She freely admits going to the house wasn’t a good idea.

“I ask that some compassion is shown towards her.

“She and her husband had been married something like 25 years.

“The complainer (Ms Burns) and her husband were then in a relationship they were open about.

“Since a few months ago that has finished as well.”

Sheriff Robert More said: “I’m sure the complainer didn’t want her turning up.

“She was at her own house.”

After hearing Elder had not been in any further trouble since the incident two years ago, he admonished her but imposed no further punishment.