A sex offender was knocked unconscious and left needing dental work after being thumped by an irate firefighter.
Ewen McKenzie, 50, took the law into his own hands after Grant Imrie sexually assaulted a woman in Fife.
McKenzie chased Imrie at the Ceres Inn pub before punching him on the head after becoming enraged at the creep’s attack.
Imrie, of Springfield, sat beside his victim during a daytime drinking session, before grabbing her waist, then trying – and eventually succeeding – to kiss her on the cheek.
He was challenged by the woman’s partner but Imrie punched him on the head.
Dental implants
Dundee Sheriff Court heard how Imrie was seen climbing over the wall at the pub, from which he had been turned away earlier in the day on June 25 2022.
Prosecutor Andrew Harding said: “This was seen by a group of witnesses within the beer garden.
“He was seen appearing to be chased by the accused and an associate.
“Imrie fell over a bin before getting back up.
“He was observed to be in the corner of the beer garden when the accused punched him, which appeared to knock him unconscious, causing him to fall to the ground.”
Mr Harding said Imrie sustained “a number” of injuries including having a “dislodged” incisor and having a canine tooth knocked out.
He also suffered cuts and bruises to his face.
Imrie later claimed he had to receive dental implants, which cost as much as £3,000 per tooth.
‘No justification’ for hitting sex attacker
Lorry driver McKenzie, of Durness, Sutherland, was later identified via CCTV and by other witnesses.
He previously pled guilty to the offence and returned to the dock following the preparation of a social work report.
Solicitor Scott Mackie said: “The complainer assaulted a woman and the woman’s partner.
“He (McKenzie) accepts his actions went beyond self-defence. There was alcohol involved.
“It’s a positive report, he doesn’t minimise what he did. He was open and honest throughout.”
Sheriff Eric Brown fined McKenzie, a retained firefighter, a total of £600.
He said: “Whatever the background to the matter, there’s no justification, in my view, for assaulting the individual in the manner described.”
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