A Stirling man sexually assaulted a teenage girl, then put his number in her phone under the name “Magic”.
Maciej Rabiej-Wanczyk gave the 17-year-old alcohol and “forcibly” kissed her.
Stirling Sheriff Court heard members of the public had to intervene.
Fiscal depute Lindsay Brooks said the teenager was waiting for a friend at a bus stop.
“The friend was not due to arrive until 4pm and while she was waiting she got chatting to two young females in the area.
“They were approached by the accused, who was trying to speak to them in a language that the complainer thought was Polish but that she could not understand.
“The accused left and returned with some alcohol – canned beer and a bottle of vodka.
“Vodka was offered to the complainer and she accepted.
“By her account she took a few sips but other witnesses described her as being intoxicated.
“Other witnesses were present and the accused was talking to them but around 4pm the accused went back to speak to the complainer.
”At that time, he attempted to kiss her.
“She backed away from him but he was seen to forcibly kiss her.
“An 18-year-old witness said he called police after he saw the male forcibly kissing the girl and stayed until she was taken away by two females.
“The complainer described the accused asking for her phone and putting his number under the name ‘Magic’.”
Police were called and Rabiej-Wanczyk was interviewed via an interpreter.
Ms Brooks said: “The accused initially made the reply: ‘I can reply to it in court. I can reply in the presence of my lawyer.’
“He was told he would be held in custody and was annoyed by that and said: ‘I was only kissing her’.”
Rabiej-Wanczyk, of Robertson Place, St Ninians, admitted sexually assaulting the girl at a bus stop on Station Road, Stirling by kissing her on July 1 last year.
Sentence was deferred for reports and Rabiej-Wanczyk was placed on the sex offenders register in the interim.
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