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Woman staged terrifying armed robbery with scissors at Stirling shop then lied about rape

Amber Fleming left a businessman shaking in fear after chasing debts, then claimed to police he had raped her.

Amber Fleming
Amber Fleming. Image: Facebook

A Stirling woman held up a shopkeeper with scissors in an armed robbery and demanded he withdraw cash from an ATM for her.

Amber Fleming appeared at Stirling Sheriff Court to admit assault and robbery on July 17 last year.

While chasing up debts owed by the boss of Erol’s Tailors in Stirling city centre, Fleming locked proprietor Birol Deniz in his own shop and pointed scissors at his midriff.

After taking hundreds of pounds from his till, Fleming marched the terrified tailor to a bank machine and demanded more cash.

When police arrested Fleming, 26, of Middlemuir Road in Stirling, she lied about being raped by her victim.

She will be sentenced next month.


Prosecutor Jamie Hilland told the court: “The complainer runs a tailoring business.

“He was an acquaintance of the accused, the complainer had owed money to the accused.”

Fleming went to the King’s Park Road shop at around noon.

Mr Hilland said: “The accused ran to the door of the shop and locked it.”

She picked up a pair of scissors and pointed them at Mr Deniz’s stomach.

Fleming told him: “You’re not going anywhere ’til you give me all the money in your f***ing till.”

Erol's Tailor Shop
Erol’s Tailor Shop in Stirling city centre. Image: DC Thomson

Mr Deniz handed her £50 but this failed to mollify Fleming, who said, “can’t you f***ing hear me? I said I want it all” and he handed over another £50.

She continued: “Are you f***ing deaf? I’ll f***ing do it” before Mr Deniz did eventually hand over the register’s entire contents – between £400 and £500.

Fleming was still not satisfied and demanded Mr Deniz accompany her to an ATM.

He took out around £100 over two transactions and was finally able to return to his shop while “physically shaking.”

When Fleming was traced the following day she told police: “I’ve not robbed anyone.

“He raped me, is this what it’s about? He raped me, I have a witness.”

Sheriff Derek Hamilton deferred sentencing until March 12 for reports to be prepared.

He said his grant of bail is not “an indication of any potential outcome.”

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