A salesman has admitted putting the public in danger by hurling household items across the busy A9.
Lewis Collins distracted drivers by smashing plates and leaving broken glass and other items strewn across the Inverness to Perth trunk road.
He was then seen attacking his partner by throttling her at the roadside.
Sheriff Lindsay Foulis told Collins: “As far as I can see you lost the plot on August 9.
“You behaved in an appalling way towards your partner but also behaved totally recklessly and without regard to any road users on the A9.
“It is the major artery from central to north Scotland and it was the middle of August at 8.30pm, so it was still going to be pretty busy.
“It was holiday time and the danger your actions posed to other road users, through plate smashing and the distraction caused, would have been quite significant.”
Collins, 24, of Dalmuir, West Dunbartonshire, admitted assault and endangering people by culpably and recklessly throwing household items on the A9.
Fiscal depute Stephanie Paterson told Perth Sheriff Court Collins’ partner had travelled north to collect him from Inverness but later than planned.
“He had been drinking alcohol all day.
“At 8.30 pm they were arguing within the vehicle. That was about his state of intoxication.
“The accused started to throw the contents of the vehicle out onto the A9 carriageway with completely no regard for the consequences of this action.
“There were items strewn all over the road, including glass plates that had smashed, creating a hazard to other road users.
“The police say there was debris and contents from the vehicle scattered all over the carriageway but they don’t go into detail of what they are.”
She said the accused left the vehicle and pushed the woman onto the ground.
“He leant over her and seized hold of her neck with both hands.”
Collins was ordered to carry out 250 hours unpaid work.
Solicitor David Holmes, defending, said the couple were reconciled and added: “He was very apologetic.”
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