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Dundee prisoner went on the run after Ninewells constipation ruse

Connor McLeod had been allowed into a toilet for his post-surgery ailment but used it as a chance to flee custody.

Connor McLeod
Connor McLeod. Image: Facebook

A brazen prisoner launched a dramatic escape from Ninewells Hospital after he broke free from handcuffs while battling constipation in a toilet.

Connor McLeod triggered a major police response after managing to free himself from handcuffs while in a ward toilet.

McLeod was being treated for appendicitis and managed to dupe Perth Prison guards, before sprinting from the building and brandishing a wooden fence post at one of them.

Days earlier, his ex-partner’s car was torched by McLeod near to the Law.

The 29-year-old received a hefty prison sentence after pleading guilty to abusing the woman before his hospital escape.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard how McLeod, of Dundee, had been remanded in custody and required medical treatment on May 2 2024.

He was cuffed with an “escort chain” 1-to-2cm in length with a handcuff at each end,  one secured to a prison officer, the other to McLeod’s wrist.

Medics removed the prisoner’s appendix and he remained in Ward 10 until Saturday May 4.

However, McLeod hatched plans for an earlier, handcuff-free discharge.

‘Groaning’ from bathroom

Fiscal depute Jennifer Bairner said: “At around 1.45pm, the accused was awake and cooperative at this time.

“He was complaining of some pain following surgery but nothing of note.

“The accused was struggling with constipation due to pain relief medication he was on.

“The accused went to the toilet repeatedly without success.”

Ninewells Hospital
McLeod took his chance to flee from custody at Ninewells. Image: DC Thomson

After receiving stronger medication, he was allowed to enter the bathroom and close the door behind him.

Ms Bairner added: “Whilst in the bathroom, the witnesses (prison officers) were aware of groaning coming from the bathroom but believed this to be the accused using the toilet.

“After about five minutes, the accused exited the toilet and appeared to still have his cuff on his right wrist.

“However, both witnesses observed him to be holding it in place with his left wrist.

“Almost immediately, the accused has thrown the handcuff to the floor, having removed it in the bathroom by unknown means.”

Dramatic escape and search

McLeod raced from the ward and was chased by the prison officers, one of which still had the chain attached to his wrist.

He descended two floors and burst through a fire door as multiple police units were called to the hospital grounds.

The court heard how McLeod sprinted south into an area of woodland and climbed over branches and compost.

He brandished a wooden fence post at the prison officer after managing to climb into a garden on Clayhills Drive.

The crook managed to escape after the officer’s chain became caught in the fence.

“The accused continued running southernly making his way through back gardens in the direction of Riverside Nature Park,” Ms Bairner said.

“A police cordon was placed on the area with numerous officers, a dog handler and the police air support unit being called in to assist with the search.”

An hour after his escape, McLeod was spotted running along a footpath towards Invergowrie before eventually being arrested.

‘Life sentence in instalments’

It was also revealed how McLeod bombarded his former partner with abusive messages and threats between March 10 and April 14 2024, breaching bail conditions in the process.

He then stole her Seat Ibiza, which was found, torched, on Law Road at around 6.50am on April 14 2024.

McLeod, who has a host of previous convictions, also pled guilty to possessing a makeshift weapon in his prison cell on April 11 2023 made out of two razors, plastic and a milk carton label.

Perth prison
Perth Prison. McLeod’s solicitor said his client is facing a ‘life sentence by instalments’.

Solicitor Jim Laverty said: “He turns 30 in a couple of months and has been thinking long and hard about that milestone.

“He can’t continue to act in the way he has been acting or he was effectively end up doing a life sentence in instalments.”

Mr Laverty referenced McLeod’s “traumatic” upbringing in the care system and added  his client had been in the grip of a drug addiction.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael imposed a 40-month sentence with a supervised release order lasting 12 months.

A non-harassment order preventing McLeod contacting his former partner for eight years was also granted.

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