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Dundee lout jailed for terrorising XL Bully dog with zombie knife

Craig Montague pinned the dog to a bed with the knife.

Craig Montague
Craig Montague. Image: Facebook

An alcohol-fuelled lout who used a “terrifying” 10-inch zombie knife to pin his XL Bully dog onto a bed has been jailed for two years.

Craig Montague drew the weapon on his pet Nova, before threatening to stab his XL Bully-cross Kilo, who was left “shaking and urinating”.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard previously how Montague flew into a rage because he had to collect his pets from a relative’s home for gnawing on furniture.

Montague, 31, had been remanded in custody since May last year and is now subject to stringent, post-prison supervision.

Sheriff Tim Niven-Smith said: “There can be no legitimate purpose for any person possessing the type of knife you possessed.

“It’s terrifying in appearance and obviously of lethal propensity.

“There can be no place in our society for knives of this kind.”

Terrorised dogs

Prosecutor Joanne Ritchie previously described how a “passive aggressive” Montague appeared at his relative’s kitchen window.

He marched into a bedroom where Nova was lying on a bed.

Montague shouted: “See you, you fat c***” at the animal.

He armed himself with a large zombie knife from a black sheath which was strapped to his chest.

The weapon – described by Montague as his “ZK” – had a 10-inch blue blade with silver edges and black and green rope around its handle.

Montague used the flat side of the blade to push Nova’s body into the bed.

Police were contacted and Montague – jailed in 2015 for abusive behaviour with a knife – shouted for the child to get out before terrifying Kilo in the bathroom.

The thug made the dog shake and urinate before threatening to stab the animal.

Determined to be law-abiding

The HMP Perth prisoner returned to the dock for sentencing following the preparation of a social work report.

Solicitor Larry Flynn said Montague is now determined to lead a law-abiding lifestyle.

The lawyer said: “He consumed alcohol and however you dress it up, a custodial sentence is inevitable.”

Montague was sentenced to two years in prison backdated to May 3 2024 as well as being made subject to a 12-month supervised release order.

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