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Vulnerable man stamped on and robbed in Perth city centre by ‘despicable’ pair

Duane Haney and Mhairi McRitchie are both behind bars after trying to flee justice for the unprovoked strike on their unsuspecting victim.

Mharie McRitchie and Duane Haney
Mharie McRitchie robbed the man of his phone and Duane Harvey stamped on him. Image: Facebook

A pair of “despicable” criminals are behind bars after their victim – an epileptic man – was stamped on and robbed in Perth city centre.

Vulnerable Johnathan Lindsay was targeted by Mharie McRitchie, 32, and Duane Haney, 43, on St John’s Place, Perth on January 22 2022.

McRitchie robbed Lindsay of his phone and Haney stamped on his head, jurors at Perth Sheriff Court determined.

The trial had to be put on hold when the pair absconded midway through proceedings, having been on bail.

City centre strike

Jurors heard evidence from Mr Lindsay, who told prosecutor Lee-Anne Barclay he did not know the culprits.

In his police statement, he said: “The female has run up to me and grabbed my phone from my hand.

“I have got up quickly and run after the female.

“She dropped the phone and I grabbed it off the floor.

“The male then came over and started kicking me to the head.”

Once arrested, McRitchie told police: “It’s got f*** all to do with me.”

Guilty verdicts

Haney, of Hillen Drive in Hawick, was found guilty by majority of assaulting Mr Lindsay by stamping on his head, leaving him injured.

His solicitor said: “His last previous conviction was in 2017, which was a matter dealt with by way of a fine.

“There are a lot of positives. He has employment, he has an address.”

The lawyer revealed that in 2002, Haney was sentenced to nine months in a young offenders institute.

She explained he is due to receive a psychological treatment in relation to PTSD from acute childhood trauma.

Unemployed McRitchie, of Catmoor Avenue in Scone, was unanimously convicted of assaulting Mr Lindsay and robbing him of his mobile phone.

She also admitted acting in a threatening or abusive manner towards police, acting aggressively, repeatedly shouting and striking her head off the internal walls of a police van.

Her lawyer Pauline Cullerton said: “She has a record for… a couple of analogous matters in relation to (threatening or abusive behaviour).”


Sheriff Jennifer Bain KC refused motions for bail and remanded the offenders in custody until sentencing on April 1.

Ordering reports, she said: “This was an unprovoked attack on an unsuspecting and extremely vulnerable male.

“All he wanted was the return of his phone and what he got was stamped on his head.

“The attack caused him to be scared and the whole experience has certainly been traumatic.

“Your actions were despicable.”

After the verdict was recorded, Sheriff Bain explained to jurors why the trial had been delayed on Friday.

She said: “That was because Mr Haney decided to leave the court building and had to be traced and apprehended.

“Ms McRitchie decided to absent the court as well – she also had to be apprehended.”

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