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Pub quiz host admits allowing kittens to die in Perth flat in month of neglect

Gary Campbell admitted two charges relating to the neglect and deaths of the kittens between January 19 and February 19 2024.

Gary Campbell
Gary Campbell will return to court at a later date.

A pub quiz host from Perth faces being banned from keeping animals after he allowed two helpless kittens to die from neglect in his flat.

Gary Campbell, 47, left the young cats trapped in his home when he went out without providing them with food or water.

The skeletal remains of the two kittens were found when a check on the property at Methven Buildings was carried out in February last year.

Perth Sheriff Court was told the kittens were neglected for a month and eventually died after becoming terminally dehydrated.

Pub quizmaster Campbell, of Carpenter Street, Perth, admitted two charges relating to the neglect and deaths of the two kittens between January 19 and February 19 2024.

Sheriff Alison McKay deferred sentence for background reports and told Campbell she would be considering imposing an order to disqualify him from keeping animals.

She said: “These charges are unusual and of some concern.”

Reasons for deferral

The sheriff put the case off until next month to allow the Crown to prepare a written narrative describing the full circumstances of the grim discovery.

Fiscal depute Stewart Duncan told the court “there’s a fair bit of evidence” and said it would help the court to have an agreed narrative.

Solicitor Linda Clark, defending, said she had hoped the offences could be dealt with by way of a financial penalty.

She said a welfare check was carried out at the flat and from there “the whole thing kicks off”.

Campbell admitted leaving the two shorthair domestic cats unattended and with no means of escape from the property for 30 days last year.

He also admitted being responsible for the unnecessary suffering and death of both animals by failing to provide them with adequate care during the same period.

He admitted failing to provide treatment or veterinary advice in relation to the body condition of the pets and failing to give them adequate food and water.

The charge states the cats became “emaciated and dehydrated and died” as a result of his failings.

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