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Paranoid Dundee optometrist glue-gunned Apple ‘tracker’ to wife’s car

Ameen Sattar was seen attaching the AirTag device to his estranged wife's car.

Ameen Sattar
Ameen Sattar was fined.

A paranoid optometrist secretly tracked his estranged wife’s car to her Dundee home using a packet of tissues.

Ameen Sattar was spotted with a glue gun before he secured an Apple AirTag to the woman’s vehicle.

The “ham-fisted” spying mission was thwarted thanks to an iPhone notification, Dundee Sheriff Court was told.

AirTags were first produced in 2021 to help people locate valuables and personal property.

Fiscal depute Lana Muir said: “The accused and the complainer had separated in January 2023.

“The complainer went out in her vehicle and when she returned home, she had an alert on an iPhone.

“It said ‘your current location has been seen by the owner of this AirTag’.

“The notification showed a map of the journey she had just undertaken.”

The woman was given the opportunity to play sound in order to locate the device but could not hear anything in her home.

“She went to her car at the driveway and could hear the beeping sounds from the rear bumper,” Ms Muir said.

“She then discovered a green plastic tissue packet glued to the underside of the rear bumper next to the exhaust.

“She took it off and could see it had been stapled closed. She removed the packet and found the AirTag.”

Ameen Sattar
Ameen Sattar.

A serial number was found, which was linked to a phone number identical to the last four digits of Sattar’s number.

Sattar – described as lead optometrist at Vision Right opticians – gave a “no comment” interview to police.

The 43-year-old, of Clepington Road, pled guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by attaching and concealing a tracking device onto and within his wife’s vehicle on March 19 2023.

Solicitor Keith Sym said Sattar had become suspicious of his wife’s whereabouts throughout the day and had placed the tracker on the car that morning.

Mr Sym told Sheriff Clair McLachlan: “He wasn’t sure he was getting the full story.

“Stupidly, he had an AirTag and repurposed it to his wife’s car. It was done that morning.

“He was seen with a glue gun. It was a ham-fisted attempt to put this on the car and see what was going on.

“He made a foolish decision that morning.”

The lawyer said Sattar “heavily” supports his wife and no issues had arisen since the offence.

Sattar was fined £370.

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