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Gate-crasher tried to torch moped and attacked three women at Perth party

Jamie Barrie tried to set fire to the host's moped during his terrifying "one-man crime spree" at a property in the city's Letham area.

Jamie Barrie
Jamie Barrie. Image: Facebook

A domestic thug attacked his ex-partner and two other woman after gate crashing a family party in Perth.

Jamie Barrie tried to set fire to the host’s moped during his terrifying “one-man crime spree” at a property in the city’s Letham area.

The 35-year-old had to be restrained on the ground until police arrived, after reaching through a window and grabbing his former girlfriend by the neck.

Perth Sheriff Court heard Barrie told his ex her children “were all dead” before launching his attack.

Barrie pled guilty to attempted wilful fireraising and three charges of assault committed on August 2 last year.

He was spared jail but banned from seeing his ex for two years.

Told woman children were ‘all dead’

Fiscal depute Bill Kermode said the three women were at a small family gathering at a Tweedsmuir Road flat from about 8pm.

During the evening, one guest was bombarded with a “constant stream of Whatsapp messages” asking about the party.

“She ignored most of these messages,” the prosecutor said.

“At about 12.10am, the (home owner) heard shouting and banging from outside the property.

“She looked outside and saw the accused standing beside her moped, which was lying on its side.”

The woman went outside to check on the vehicle.

Barrie was now at the house, banging on a window.

Perth Sheriff Court
Perth Sheriff Court.

Mr Kermode said: “He approached her and pushed her once to the chest, then punched her to the right side of her face.

“There was an argument and he punched her again.”

The woman told Barrie she would phone police.

“He returned to the living room window and began banging again,” the fiscal depute said.

Barrie’s ex-partner, a mother-of-two, came to the window and Barrie made the comment about her children.

“He reached through the window and grabbed the complainer by the throat,” said Mr Kermode.

“He held her for about 30 seconds before punching her twice in the face.

“The complainer asked the accused to let go but he continued to hold on to her.”

Other guests were able to pull the woman out of Barrie’s grasp and away from the window.

Told police it was ‘self-defence’

A third woman went outside to confront Barrie.

“He immediately started to kick and punch her,” said the fiscal depute.

“He grabbed her by the throat, punched her and spat on her.”

Barrie was restrained on the ground until police arrived, the court heard.

“When CCTV was reviewed, the accused was seen attempting to set fire to the moped with a small flame visible,” the fiscal depute said.

After he was arrested, Barrie told cops he was acting in “self-defence”.

Solicitor Alan Davies said his client had “little recollection of events”.

“There was clearly a background here in relation to the breakdown in the relationship with the complainer but that doesn’t explain why he behaved in the way he did.”

The court heard Barrie had received treatment for mental health issues, including PTSD.

“This was a significant backward step as far as he’s concerned,” said Mr Davie.

Close to imprisonment

Sheriff Graham Primrose KC told Barrie: “You embarked on what was basically a one-man crime spree.

“You tried to set fire to a moped and then sequentially assaulted various people you appear to have had a grudge against.

“You had to be held on the ground until police arrived, due to the level of your anger.

“The court takes a very serious view of this and you are coming very close to a period of imprisonment.”

Barrie, of Weavers Well Crescent, Perth, was placed on supervision for 14 months, with a mental health treatment requirement.

He was also ordered to carry out 120 hours unpaid work.

The court also issued a non-harassment order, blocking Barrie from contacting his ex for two years.

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