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Dundee cocaine dealer has £25k Rolex confiscated

Thomas Gray was caught with almost £20,000 worth of the Class A drug when police raided his address on Charleston Drive.

Thomas Gray
Thomas Gray.

A cocaine dealer from Dundee who was hit with a hefty fine after being spared a prison term has had his £25,000 Rolex seized by prosecutors.

Thomas Gray was caught with almost £20,000 worth of the Class A drug when police raided his address on Charleston Drive.

Officers seized bags of white powder as well as scales, gloves and other paraphernalia related to the onward supply of drugs.

Cash and coins totalling £22,203.27 were also recovered in the raid, carried out on May 14 2023.

Gray forfeited the money which was seized by the police.

Thomas Gray
Thomas Gray.

At Dundee Sheriff Court, Gray was placed on a supervision order for two years with a requirement to attend drug counselling after he pled guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

Gray, 24, was fined £1,875 by Sheriff Mungo Bovey KC who also placed him on a 7pm-7am restriction of liberty order for six months.

His sentencing in October 2024 can now be reported after publishing restrictions were previously imposed.

Solicitor Mike Short said: “He’s at the lower end of 24 regarding maturity. He had a bad drug addiction problem.

“He lost his employment, he lost family support, everything.

“It’s quite clear from the (social work) report that he’s done his best. He’s back in employment. He’s drug free.”

A Rolex watch
Gray’s Rolex will be confiscated. Image: Shutterstock

Sheriff Bovey told Gray: “With Mr Short’s skilful assistance, he has persuaded me against the custodial sentence you earned by your conduct.

“We have put together a substantial penalty which I hope will avoid any suggestion that you are being treated leniently.”

The Crown Office subsequently launched Proceeds of Crime action against Gray in an effort to claw back some of his ill-gotten gains.

A £25,000 confiscation order was agreed at the 11th hour by prosecutors and Gray’s lawyers.

This is the estimated value of a Rolex watch, which is due to be auctioned.

Fiscal depute Duncan MacKenzie said: “Should the action not reach that amount, the police would apply to reduce the amount in the agreed joint minute.”

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