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Starved and dehydrated XL Bullies died in squalid Dundee flat

Christopher McLaren has admitted neglecting the dogs until seven of the banned breed died.

Christopher McLaren
McLaren admitted neglecting the animals and keeping dead dogs in his flat.

Seven XL Bully dogs died in squalid conditions after being neglected, starved and dehydrated by their Dundee owner.

Christopher McLaren is awaiting sentence after he admitted causing two adult dogs and five puppies unnecessary suffering before their deaths.

Police raided McLaren’s former home on Ballindean Road last August where a number of “dead and uncared-for” dogs were discovered.

Reports have now been ordered after McLaren, 31, pled guilty to six separate charges at Dundee Sheriff Court.

He admitted possessing the two XL Bully dogs illegally under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

Between July 1 and August 20 2024, McLaren repeatedly failed to ensure the needs of the seven animals were met and exposed them to urine, faeces and household debris.

One of the dog’s carcasses had been eaten by another of the animals.

Ballindean Road sign
The dogs were discovered in a Ballindean Road flat.

McLaren failed to provide them with adequate nutrition, hydration, ventilation and resting areas as well as failing to allow them outside access.

He admitted failing to provide them with a “safe and hygienic environment”.

Separate charges stated McLaren caused the adult dogs unnecessary suffering by failing to provide appropriate care and treatment for them, causing them to become dehydrated and emaciated as well as failing to obtain vet advice and treatment.

The five puppies lost bodyweight and their coats became contaminated with faeces and urine. McLaren also failed to provide them with help from a vet.

An allegation McLaren, of Bowbridge Place, exposed a child to filthy conditions and dog carcasses was dropped by prosecutors.

Christopher McLaren
McLaren appeared in court for an earlier hearing in a garish oodie.

A warrant was previously issued for McLaren’s arrest after he failed to attend court to answer the charges.

He was released from custody and on Monday, solicitor Theo Finlay tendered the guilty pleas after his client appeared in the dock.

Mr Finlay tendered documents relating to previous vet involvement and reserved mitigation until sentencing.

Sheriff Gregor Murray deferred sentence until April for a social work to be prepared.

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