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Sex attacker ‘drank five bottles of Buckfast’ before groping Perth bar worker

Neil Rodgers was placed on the sex offenders register for a year after sexually assaulting a hotel worker.

Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers was placed on the sex offenders register.

A sex pest football fan downed five bottles of Buckfast before groping a Perth bar worker and clubbing another man over the head with a guitar, a court has heard.

Neil Rodgers laughed after sexually assaulting the hotel worker, having consumed more than a litre-and-a-half of the tonic wine while with fellow Celtic supporters.

His lawyer stressed that his alcohol intake was “not in any shape or form an excuse” for his appalling conduct.

The 36-year-old returned to Perth Sheriff Court for sentencing, having earlier admitted charges of assault and sexual assault at a city venue, which cannot be named for legal reasons.

Rodgers, who was forced to quit his job after reports of his offending spread on social media, was placed on the sex offenders register for a year.

Out of work

Defence agent Linda Clark said: “He accepts his conduct was entirely inappropriate.

“Mr Rodgers told social workers he had been watching football with other supporters and estimates that he consumed five bottles of Buckfast, some 1.75 litres.

Neil Rodgers appeared at Perth Sheriff Court.

“He understands that other peoples’ recollection of that night will be better than his.”

She added: “These type of cases inevitably attract some attention on social media platforms and there has been a lot of attention directed at Mr Rodgers.

“As a result, he has stopped working. He has had issues since this was first reported.

“Nonetheless, he knows he has placed himself in that position.”

Sheriff Neil Kinnear told Rodgers: “You may have had too much to drink that evening but this was not just unacceptable behaviour.

“These are serious matters.”

Rodgers, from Perth, whose address is listed as “no fixed abode,” was ordered to carry out 160 hours unpaid work and placed on supervision for a year.

He will stay on the sex offenders register for the same period.

Guitar strike caused head injury

The court heard how Rodgers had been part of a group of Celtic fans from Perth who arrived at the hotel while a separate 19th birthday party was ongoing.

Fiscal depute Michael Robertson said: “The accused was sat at a bar stool when he leaned over the bar and grabbed the complainer’s breasts with two hands.

“The accused appeared to make fun of this and laughed about it, before leaving the area.”

Perth Sheriff Court.

A 19-year-old employee spoke to the woman, before challenging Rodgers about his behaviour.

He was told to stay away from members of staff.

Later, Rodgers picked up a guitar which was hanging on the wall of the hotel bar.

“He attempted to play guitar, before swinging and striking it on top of the complainer’s head,” said Mr Robertson.

“This caused a four-centimetre laceration along his hairline.

“Blood was pouring from the area where he was struck.”

Police were called minutes later but Rodgers had already fled the scene.

The injured worker was taken to Perth Royal Infirmary, where his head injury was glued shut.

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