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Monday court round-up — ‘This ends tonight’

A round-up of court cases from Tayside and Fife.

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A Kirkcaldy lout who brandished a knife at police who attended his home just before Christmas has been placed under supervision.

Mark Ibrahim returned to Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court to be sentenced.

The 28-year-old previously admitted that on December 22 last year, he acted in a threatening or abusive manner at his Cairnwell Place home by threatening police with violence and brandishing the weapon.

Solicitor Lucy Boylen said: “He has been clean and sober for around four months.”

Sheriff Robert More made a nine-month supervision order as a direct alternative to custody.

Miss Scotland shame

A former Miss Scotland from Fife has been convicted of assault and using racist language as she was thrown out of a rugby event in Edinburgh. Lucy Thomson bit a security guard and called him a “n****r” as she was removed, a trial determined.

A selfie of Miss Scotland, Lucy Sophia Thomson, wearing a tiara
Lucy Thomson. Image: Facebook.

Drug-fuelled assault and robbery

A Dundee couple who lured their victim to a flat in the early hours of the morning to violently rob her have been jailed.

Leigh McCallum was brought to Dundee Sheriff Court from prison and co-accused Kimberly Edwards attended via a video link from HMP Polmont.

The terrifying attack caused their victim to lose a clump of hair and wet herself, before racing to Maryfield Police Office.

Both admitted assaulting and robbing their victim at a flat in Dundonald Street in the early hours of April 25 2021.

They repeatedly seized the woman by the hair, banged her against a wall, threatened to stab her and repeatedly punched her on the body and kicked her head.

The injured woman was then robbed of £50, keys and a post office card.

Edwards solicitor Ross Donnelly said: “The background here is one of fairly entrenched drug use.”

45-year-old McCallum, of Lilybank Terrace was jailed for 19 months, having spent a month on remand.

Edwards, 42, of Moncur Crescent, was jailed for nine months, having already spent 11 months on remand.

‘How to fix burnt hair’

A Glasgow drug debt enforcer Googled “how to fix burnt hair” as he and an accomplice drove off from the site of a car firebombing. Lloyd McKay and Calvin Gilmour were chasing a £100,000 debt when they carried out the attack at the home of their target’s parents on Tayside.

Calvin Gilmour (left) and Lloyd McKay at Forfar Sheriff Court
Calvin Gilmour (left) and Lloyd McKay at Forfar Sheriff Court.

‘This ends tonight’

Perth man Richard Forbes was “at the end of his tether” when he tried to settle a neighbour dispute while grasping a hammer, a court has heard.

The 50-year-old snapped after a long-running feud with another resident about motion sensor lights at the city’s Potterhill Flats on Lochie Brae.

Perth Sheriff Court heard Forbes stood at his door with the hammer in his hand and told his neighbour: “This ends tonight.”

Forbes admitted behaving in a threatening manner on December 20 2024.

Fiscal depute Elizabeth Hodgson said he made the threatening comment after his neighbour walked past his home at about 8.30pm and said something to him.

Potterhill Flats in Perth
Potterhill Flats in Perth.

Solicitor Linda Clark, defending, said her client had moved into the block in 2018 and for about a year, there were no issues.

“But then all of a sudden, he came to his flat complaining about motion activated lights going on and off in the communal area. He said that this was Mr Forbes’ fault.”

Ms Clark said the neighbour had repeatedly complained, routinely came to his door and on one occasion, spat at her client’s window.

“There has been periods where Mr Forbes has been off work with stress. He had to leave his property and go to a family member for rest.”

Perth and Kinross Council has since found him new accommodation “on the other side of the city”.

“Mr Forbes accepts he was at the end of his tether,” said Ms Clark.

” e was using the hammer and happened to have it in his hand at the time.

“He knows now that the best course of action would be to ignore the complainer.”

Sheriff William Wood deferred sentence for four months and told Forbes if he stayed out of trouble, he would likely be fined.

Leaving Dundee

A man caught with child rape videos while staying in Dundee plans to return to Saudi Arabia after serving his community service. Charity shop volunteer Ali Albakheet was found to have dozens of images and videos on his phone following a police search.

Ali Albakheet
Ali Albakheet.

‘I’ve got stuff on my phone’

A teenage Dundee paedophile has been placed on the sex offenders register after police uncovered his stash of sick photographs.

Zakk Morrison admitted taking or making illicit filth at his former family home in at a hearing at Dundee Sheriff Court.

Police attended the property at 8.35am on March 15 last year with a warrant and Morrison told them: “I’ve got stuff on my phone that I got sent.”

Police found evidence of 25 images of girls aged between three and seven – some categorised as the most graphic kind.

“These picture files were not accessible to the user but would have been viewable on the handset at an earlier time,” prosecutor Stephanie Paterson said.

A further 50 Category A images, 43 Category B images and 14 Category C images were discovered, along with 50 borderline files.

The sick files had creation dates spanning as far back as August 2022.
Morrison, 19, was placed on the sex offenders register by Sheriff Gregor Murray, who
granted forfeiture of the phone and deferred sentencing until April 24 for background reports to be prepared.

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