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Serial sex attacker raped four girls in one year in Dundee

Kyle Alexander has been jailed for his campaign of terror against young women in the city.

Trottick woods
Alexander targeted girls in the woods at Trottick.

A serial rapist targeted six girls in a year in Dundee.

Four girls were raped by Kyle John Paul Alexander when he was a 16-year-old, in 2021.

Alexander, now 19, was given an extended prison sentence when he appeared at the High Court in Dundee this week.

He will spend six years behind bars and will then be on licence for a further four, during which he can be returned to prison for any breach.

He must register as a sex offender for an indefinite period.

Dundee Sheriff Court
Alexander was sentenced at the High Court in Dundee.

Alexander, of Dundee, was convicted of raping girls under the age of 13 in June and August 2021.

He raped a 16-year-old in September that year and a fourth girl – aged 14 – at the an area named in the indictment as the city’s Trottick Woods in February 2022.

Alexander had unlawful sex with another 14-year-old at Trottick Woods in November 2021 and sexually assaulted a teenager in Dundee in January 2022.

He was also guilty of engaging in an abusive course of conduct against one of his victims in the same timespan of his other crimes.

Non-harassment orders were put in place for the six females Alexander targeted.

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