Skylarks have been seen – and heard – in record numbers at a Tayside beauty spot this year.
The birds’ numbers have increased for the fourth year running at Dundee’s Riverside Nature Park, despite declining nationally.
The Friends of Riverside Nature Park group regularly surveys the site and as many as 13 males were recorded singing at one time during sessions in April.
The birds were first spotted there in 2016, when four males and one young were noted.
Their numbers have steadily increased since and they are now one of the most popular attractions at the park.
Skylarks were seen taking food to nests throughout this summer and many were recorded singing over areas they have not nested in before.
Visitors have been commended for sticking to paths and keeping dogs on leads to help protect the ground-nesting species.
Dundee City Council’s neighbourhood services committee convener SNP councillor Anne Rendall said: “Dundee is home to exciting and vibrant wildlife in our greenspaces.
“The story of the skylarks is an impressive one. It shows the positive impact we can all have to enhance our parks and their biodiversity.
“It is high praise that more people have been coming to Riverside Nature Park to see the birds and enjoy their birdsong.”
Methods to help skylarks have been put in place after consultation with other local nature sites and guidance from Scottish Natural Heritage.
Paths have been lined with signs to remind visitors they should stick to the beaten track from April to July.