Dundee Scottish women’s national coach discusses career with young Dundee players By Scott Milne June 18 2020, 12:19pm June 18 2020, 12:19pm Share Scottish women’s national coach discusses career with young Dundee players Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/1382591/scottish-womens-national-coach-discusses-career-with-young-dundee-players/ Copy Link A screengrab of the online Q&A session. Dryburgh Athletic Girls and Ladies players were given the chance to question Scotland Women’s national team manager Shelley Kerr during a Zoom call. The Q&A session on June 17 saw Ms Kerr spoke about her experiences managing the national team and her playing career. Shelley Kerr. She also gave the young players some tips on how to improve their skills on the field.