Many Dundee houses are uninhabited due to owners' concerns
Houses in Dundee are sitting empty whilst home-owners wait for prices to rise, according to new findings.
Fears of becoming a landlord, and a lack of motivation and know-how were other reasons put forward for residential properties going unused.
The data was put together from a year of phone calls made to Scotland’s free empty homes hotline, run by Shelter Scotland.
Home-owners also cited a lack of insurance to cover the cost of repairing a damaged home, and an emotional attachment to their empty properties as being behind their decision not to put their houses up on the market.
Kristen Hubert from the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership, said that over 150,000 families were on waiting lists to find a home, and 27,000 houses in Scotland had been lying empty long term.
She said: “Making use of the existing housing stock makes both social and economic sense and whilst empty homes alone won’t solve Scotland’s housing crisis, they can be part of the solution.”