Absconder Thomas Proctor, who had failed to return to Castle Huntly open prison following a period of home leave.
A violent offender who absconded from Castle Huntly has been found by police.
Thomas Proctor, jailed for slashing his sister’s face with a knife, had failed to return to the prison following a period of home leave.
However, officers traced him in Coatbridge in the early hours of this morning.
He is currently serving a five year prison sentence for a brutal attack on his sister.
Samantha Proctor required 72 stitches and was left permanently scarred after the 33-year-old slashed her across the face with a knife at a Hogmanay Party.
Proctor was jailed for the attack in 2014 and had been transferred to the open prison, by Longforgan, ahead of his eventual release.
A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Police Scotland can confirm that 33-year-old prisoner Thomas Proctor, who failed to return to HMP, Castle Huntly by Dundee following a period of home leave was traced in Coatbridge in the early hours of this morning.