Stun gun importer appears in court By Reporter July 29 2016, 10:53am July 29 2016, 10:53am Share Stun gun importer appears in court Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link A Dundee student has admitted importing a cache of illicit weapons into Scotland. Mark Coutts, a 37-year-old studying at Dundee and Angus College, had a blow gun, stun gun and extendable baton brought into the country. The items were intercepted at Stansted Airport. Dundee Sheriff Court was told it was illegal to import such items and they had been seized. Investigations led police officers to Coutts’ door in the city’s Forest Park Road. Coutts admitted importing goods prohibited under the Criminal Justice Act (Offensive Weapons) on March 8 last year. Sentence was deferred until August 10 for the court to obtain reports. Coutts was ordered to appear on that date.