Dundee Police appeal for missing woman By Paul Malik August 1 2016, 10:35am August 1 2016, 10:35am Share Police appeal for missing woman Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/229837/police-appeal-missing-woman/ Copy Link Police have issued an appeal to the public to help find missing Dundee woman Sophie Reilly. Sophie, 21, was last seen on Tom McDonald Avenue at around 5.15pm on Sunday (July 31). She is around five feet eight inches tall and has short brown hair which has been dyed red. Sophie is described as wearing a navy blue jacket, denim blue leggings and grey Converse trainers. Anyone who knows where Sophie is or might have seen her is asked to call Police Scotland on 101 or talk to any officer.