An outbreak of Covid-19 at a police station in Dundee has prompted calls for a better testing system for officers.
It is understood up to 25 officers are self-isolating following a positive case in the custody unit of Police Scotland’s Bell Street HQ.
Police Scotland would not be drawn on the numbers of staff absent due to the outbreak when the Tele put the figures to them this week, but has said it is following all Scottish Government and public health guidelines.
And a spokeswoman added: “Where cases of coronavirus are identified, we work with the local health board and adhere to test and protect procedures.”
Now David Hamilton, chair of the Scottish Police Federation, has said he would like to see regular asymptomatic testing, for the safety of the officers themselves but also the communities they protect.
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“Every office has the potential to be a super spreader because we are going around the community with lots of contact with people,” he said.
“We don’t know how many potential people we have infected over the duration of the pandemic because the asymptomatic aspect of the virus is only now being understood.
“Only in certain circumstances will we be given an asymptomatic test, for instance, if someone coughs on an officer deliberately.
“For parties and social gatherings, it is police that are sent to it and these incidents in themselves are high risk, otherwise they would not be banned.
“We are at risk going to these parties of contracting the virus and then spreading it.”
Mr Hamilton said there had previously been incidents in offices where phones and kettles had been contaminated by the virus.
“Life in the station is the same as any other office or hospital,” he added.
“People are told to keep their distance, use hand sanitiser and wear face masks, and sometimes they do it and sometimes they don’t.
“Certainly there are instructions on what to do, but compliance is the hard bit.
“It has been extraordinary, we have had phones and kettles that have been contaminated.
“Sometimes people drop their guard or are not as careful as they should be and then outbreaks happen unfortunately.
“It is particularly difficult when officers are working with their friends but we are encouraging people to be careful.
“These outbreaks are happening across all workplaces and police stations are not immune to any of these risks, the virus will go wherever it gets the chance to.
“Within offices we are allowed to wear a fabric face mask but when we are out and about we are encouraged to wear a surgical mask and if there is a suspected case of Covid-19 we wear full PPE.”
A spokeswoman for the force said: “Police Scotland is following Scottish Government and health guidance and where cases of coronavirus are identified, we work with the local health board and adhere to Test and Protect procedures.
“We have a dedicated team which coordinates asymptomatic testing of officers exposed to coronavirus while carrying out their duties.”
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