Dundee man had air pistol in kitchen cupboard By Sheanne Mulholland November 23 2018, 6:05am November 23 2018, 6:05am Share Dundee man had air pistol in kitchen cupboard Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/2560367/dundee-man-had-air-pistol-in-kitchen-cupboard/ Copy Link StewArt Campbell, 52, of Baldovan Terrace, had sentence deferred until December 18. Campbell admitted having an air pistol at his home without a licence on June 25. The court heard police raided his home and found the pistol in a cupboard under the kitchen sink. He told officers he “had it for ages” and did not know he needed a licence for it. Sentence was deferred for background reports and assessments. This article originally appeared on the Evening Telegraph website. For more information, read about our new combined website.