Families flocked to the Ferry for the switch-on of Broughty’s lights display.
After a Covid-enforced absence for the hugely popular event last year, the crowds turned out to enjoy a fun-packed programme on Thursday evening.
Thomson Leng Musical Society treated the audience to a selection of songs from their pantomime, Sleeping Beauty.
And the children of Eastern Primary School led the crowd in singing festive favourites.
Broughty Ferry Traders’ Association fund and organise the Christmas lights display.
BFTA chairman Steve James said: “We missed out last year because of the pandemic so it is really great to be back.”
Thousands of pounds have been spent on new extra Ferry Merry Christmas features at each end of Brook Street.
Steve added: “We moved things around to take the big rides into Fort Street and make the area around the main stage more family-friendly.
Father Christmas was at the event hosted by DJ Stuart Webster for the big switch on and was helped by Lord Provost Ian Moffat and 6 year old Lyla Crozier from Grange Primary School.
Earlier in the day, Ferry furniture store Gillies unveiled their display.
Santa Sunday
So now BFTA attentions turn to Santa Sunday.
It takes place on December 12.
Steve added: “We have Santa’s grotto in Brook Street and a few kids’ rides.
“As well as being an event for the community, it brings footfall into the Ferry and is a great chance for the town to get another wee boost.”
Historic organisation
The association has been going since the early 1900s.
Its current membership numbers around 100 from every sector of the business community.
And it’s more dedicated than ever to its original mission.
It originally set out to ‘foster and promote trade and business, increasing the amenities, wellbeing and prosperity for Broughty’s inhabitants’.