PICTURES: Party-goers head to Ibiza Orchestra Live in Dundee
ByKaty Scott and Katherine Ferries
Ibiza Orchestra Live events at Slessor Gardens in Dundee.
Fife, Dundee Nurses and education workers enjoy themselves. Pictures by Steve MacDougall / DCT Media
Partygoers were transported from Dundee to Ibiza on Saturday night with the help of a 26-piece orchestra.
The Ibiza Orchestra Live concert at Slessor Gardens followed a sell-out tour across the UK.
The popular ensemble played classic Ibiza tunes to locals late into the evening.
As well as the main event, there were performances from DJs and singers, playing some of the biggest hits from the White Island’s nightclub scene.
The dance event follows Friday night’s Sausage and Cider Fest – which was also at Slessor Gardens.
Our photographer Steve MacDougall captured party-goers in their element over the weekend.
The Ibiza Orchestra performance.
Louise Gorrie (left) and Katy Henderson (right) – Dundee neighbours out for a fun-filled day with loads of entertainment.
Friends having a great time, left to right is Simon McCrudden, Craig Methven, Sharon Methven and Sara McCrudden (all from Dundee).
Louise Gorrie alongside friends and family all from Dundee.
Fans enjoying the Ibiza Orchestra performance.
Caitlin and Jill (both from Glasgow) smile for us.
Concentration from the the Ibiza Orchestra performance.
Festival goers enjoy the show.
Susanne Fyans, Cam, Aud Johnston, Karen Roberts and Steve (all from Dundee).
The Ibiza Orchestra performance.
Cody Caldwell and step-son Aaron McLeod (both Dundee).
Scenes from the event during the Ibiza Orchestra performance.
All smiles as fans enjoy the festival.
Fans enjoy the entertainment.
Leigh Muir, Chloe Mcelhinney, Diane Storie and Chrystal Matthan (all from Perth area).
The Ibiza Orchestra.
Performance by Nikki Ambers.
Leigh Muir (Bridge of Earn) and Diane Storie (Perth) having a great time.
All smiles as fans enjoy the festival.
I just go where the music takes me…
Dawn Stephen (left) and Debbie Howie (right) from Kirriemuir.